What is corneal ulcer and its treatment ?

What is corneal ulcer and it's treatment ?

Inflammation of cornea is called as corneal ulcer. It cause due to trauma to epithelium of cornea , injury to cornea , vegetative trauma to cornea that's all causative factor for corneal ulcer.

Complaint of patient

* Photophobia
* Redness
* Diminish of vision
* Foreign body sensation
* Watering
* Pain
* Whitening in the eye

History of patient

Detailed history should be taken before start examination and treatment. Any trauma to eye by vegetative trauma or other.

It's recurrent or not (Recurrent in viral keratitis)

History hypertension and diabetes mellitus

Symptoms of Corneal ulcer.

* Photophobia
* Redness
* Diminish of vision
* Foreign body sensation
* Watering
* Pain
* Whitening in the eye

Sign of corneal ulcer

* Lid may be swell

* Cornea seen  oedematous opacity may be in center or periphery.

* In Ac examine any material is present or not

* In some cases hypopion present
Or hyphema



Broad-spectrum antibiotics ,
Cycloplegic drugs, 
Antifungal drug


Analgesic, antibiotics , multivitamins

Physical guideline

Adv rest
Black goggle

In extreme condition gram test give better result .

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