How to use contact lens ?

your contact lenses as often as the doctor suggests, even if you don’t wear them every day. 
For instance, if you have the disposable kind that are good for one wearing, throw them out after you’ve worn them once, even if they still feel fresh. 
When you wear lenses for more days than you should, or when you sleep in lenses that aren’t made for overnight wear, you raise your risk of eye infections.

Before Touch Your contact Lens

  1. Always wash your hands before you put your contact lenses in or take them
  2.  Don’t lather up with oily or heavily scented soaps. 
  3. Lenses can cling to wet hands, and there is also bacteria that live in tap water that can cling to the lenses — so always dry your hands well with a lint free towel. 
  4. If you want to use a moisturizer, wait until after you’ve put in your lenses. The residue from lotions can stick to them.

Putting Your contact Lens

1. Start with the same eye each time so you don’t mix up the right and left contact lenses. 
2. Use your index finger to slide the lens out of the package or case and into the palm of your hand. 
3. Rinse it with the solution recommended by your eye doctor bio true contact lens solution. 
4. Place the contact lens on the tip of your index finger. 
 5. Pull your lower lid down with the middle finger of the same hand and hold your upper lid with your other hand. 
6. Place the lens directly on the iris of your eye. Gently release your lids, and blink.

Remove your contact Lens

  1. First, wash and dry your hands before removing any lenses. To take out soft lenses, pull down your lower lid.
  2. Look up or to the side, and gently move your lens to the white of your eye.
  3. Using your thumb and index finger, gently pinch the lens and lift it from your eye.
  4. For gas-permeable lenses, open your eyes wide and pull the skin near the corner of your eye toward your ear.
  5. Bend over your open palm and blink. The lens should pop out into your palm.

Cleaning and Storage intructions

  1. There are many ways to clean lenses.
  2. A multipurpose solution lets you clean, rinse, disinfect, and store your lenses. Some systems have separate products for cleaning and rinsing.
  3. “No-rub” solutions say that rinsing alone will clean the lenses, but research suggests that rubbing cleans better.
  4. Recommended Contact lens solution is Renu fresh Contact lens Solution Biotrue contact Lens Solutions , OPTI-free Replenish contact lens solution.

Don’t Do

  1. If you don’t have contact lens solution, you might be tempted to rinse/clean your lenses with tap water. Don’t do it! Water sometimes has microbes that can cause serious eye infections.
  2. Don’t even wear contacts in the shower. And never put your lenses into your mouth or use saliva to wet them.

Lens Kit is also Matters, Too

  1. Clean your lens case as carefully as you clean your lenses.
  2. You should rinse it at least every night with disinfecting solution.
  3. Wipe the case with a tissue and let it air dry to help get rid of lingering bacteria.
  4. Replace your case every 3 months or more often.
  5. Contact lens Kit
I connect contact lens by BAUSH & LOMB
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