Anatomy and physiology of Cornea

Anatomy and physiology of Cornea 

The cornea is transparent, avascular and watch glass like structure.
It's come in the fibrous coat of eye ball.

It covers anterior one sixth of outer fibrous coat of eyeball. 

Corneal Diamension.

1) The anterior horizontal diameter of cornea is  11.7 and vertical diameter of cornea is 11 mm.

2) The posterior surface of average diameter is 11.5 mm.

3) The thickness of cornea at center is about 0.52 mm and at peropheri its 0.7 mm.

4) The anterior radius of curvature of cornea is 7.8 mm 

5) The posterior radius of curvature of cornea is 6.5 mm 

6) The central 5 mm part of cornea highly powerful refractive surface.

7) The refractive power of corneal is about 45 diopter.

Slit lamp examination          
Corneal examination
Duochrome test                   
Corneal Opacity
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