What is Presbyopia ?

What is  Presbyopia ?

In this condition, the eye is unable to focus near objects. 

The problem is caused by the aging of the lens and the accommodating system, which fail to focus near objects on the retina. Hence, it is a disorder of aging. 

This is a physiological phenomenon which happens to almost everybody and starts during the fourth decade of a person’s life. 

People with presbyopia find it increasingly difficult to read the newspaper at their usual working distance in dim light and tend to keep it at a distance to make out the letters.

 Simple tasks like threading a needle, signing a document or making out the fine print on a visiting card become increasingly difficult and sometimes embarrassing. 

In an adult, the uncorrected disability hampers a person’s financial productivity and compromises his occupational skills. 

Headaches and eye straining may occur after long hours of near work. Left uncorrected, the person loses interest in performing near work like reading and writing, leading to a compromise in the quality of life.

 Presbyopia is corrected using convex lenses, which can be used for reading and near work. 

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