Why Vitamiin A is Essential ?

Why Vitamiin A is Essential ?

Vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of the covering surface of the eye—the cornea and conjunctiva—and for the formation of a pigment in the retina which helps us to view objects in dim light. 

It is also important for the body’s immunity. Vitamin A deficiency is one of the leading causes of childhood blindnessin the world. 

It may occur due to inadequate dietary intake, liver disease or gastrointestinal problems. This deficiency may result in:

 • Conjuncvtival and corneal drying, called xerosis.

 This condition may present itself with the appearance of scales resembling those on a fish on the conjunctiva over the white portion of the eye.

 • Corneal ulceration and melting. 

Vitamin A deficiency is termed xerophthalmia and is a serious visionthreatening disorder. 

Why Vitamiin A is Essential ?

These conditions can be treated by supplementing Vitamin A itself, either in the form of oral medicines or as injections. A Vitamin A-rich diet can keep children free from these complications. 

This vitamin is found in green leafy vegetables, yellow and orange colored fruits and in dairy products. Animal sources include liver, fish and eggs.

 An average sized carrot contains twice the recommended daily requirement of Vitamin A. In infants, breast milk provides the main source of nourishment.

 Vitamin A-deficient mothers have low vitamin stores and supply little to their babies. These babies have an increases susceptibility to infections and Vitamin A deficiency

Hence the need to breast-feed infants cannot be belittled. Adequate and timely control of infections such as diarrhea is also essential to prevent 

Retinal deatachment            
Corneal examination
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