Allergies & Contact Lenses

Allergies are an unwelcome menace once you wear contact lenses. Be it seasonal allergies, animal allergies, or maybe food allergies.

Once feel your eyes are usually among the primary parts of your body to reply. What is the best thanks to affect allergies once you wear contact lenses? confirm you’re prepared.

Here’s what you are doing to effectively affect allergies once you wear contact lenses:

Plan to Protect

If you wear contact lenses and know you will be call at a neighborhood with many pollen or some place.

Outdoors where your allergies may flare, wear sunglasses. Sunglasses, preferably stylish frames with large, over-sized lenses, will help protect your contact lenses. Allergens floating within the air.

believe your sunglasses as your allergy ‘safety goggles’ for the season. Don’t leave home without them.

Keep it Clean

You should decide to disinfect your contact lenses nightly during allergy season. Use daily contacts so you’ll eliminate all those accumulated allergens every evening and begin subsequent day with a fresh pair. Remember that allergens can accumulate on our pillow, in your hair and even on your face. Shower at bedtime, wash your pillowcases frequently, and keep it clean to offer your eyes. Also, don’t rub your eyes together with your hands! This is often a nasty practice because you’ll be pushing annoying allergens right into the place. If you want to touch your eyes – confirm your hands are very clean!

Keep it Moist

Allergy-ridden eyes often mean dry eyes. There are great over-the-counter drops for allergy eyes, but some OTC eye drops won’t cut it.

Ask your optometrist for a prescription for allergy eye medications which will help your eyes stay nice. Moist and cozy when allergies flare.

Keep your Glasses Handy

You don’t need to surrender your contact lenses during allergy season, but it’s knowing be prepared together with your spare eyeglasses just just in case you’ve got an unexpected allergy attack.

If your eyes turn red, start itching, or become too dry to wear your contact lenses. You’ll be wanting to possess your spare glasses along in order. That you’ll take your lenses out and let your eyes recover.

Take your Medications

Oftentimes, allergy medications will offer relief even to your eyes, so don’t skip your regular allergy meds if they assist you.

If your eyes feel too dry, use re-wetting drops or limit the quantity of your time. You wear your lenses every day to alleviate a number of the pain.

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