It is a procedure by which we can stain and visualize all types of micro or macro abrasions of cornea easily. 

The name of the stain/dye is sodium fluorescein. It is available as 10% (5ml) and 20% (3ml) solution in form of ampoules or strips impregnated with the stain.

 This dye has an inherent property of fluorescence, i.e. it absorbs light of one wavelength (blue) and emits light of another wavelength (green). That is why the stained area appears green when seen through blue light.


Put one drop of fluorescein dye in the eye or put the strip in lower conjunctival fornix for a few seconds. 

Ask the patient to blink eyes so that the stain spreads in the eyeball and then keep the eyes closed for 30 seconds. 

Wash excess of dye with normal saline and examine under slit lamp with cobalt blue filter. 

The stained area of cornea will appear green.


1. We can easily visualize small injuries of cornea.

2. Fluorescein dye is also used in some other tests like fluorescein dye disappearance test, Jones test to check function of lacrimal sac and fundus fluorescein angiography.

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