What are the primary ocular contraindications to the use of contact lenses?

What are the primary ocular contraindications to the use of contact lenses?

Before initiating any contact lens fitting for the purposes of optical correction, it is important to evaluate the patient’s motivation, ocular
needs, and ocular and medical history. 

Unmotivated patients tend not to adhere to the prescribed methods and care regimens for the contact lens, putting them at greater risk of complications.

What are the primary ocular contraindications to the use of contact lenses?


1. Any acute or subacute inflammation of the anterior segment of the eye

2. Acute and chronic ocular infections

3. Any eye disease affecting the cornea, conjunctiva, and lids (e.g., epithelial fragility, endothelial failure, dry eye, allergy, pinguecula,pterygium)

4. Corneal hypesthesia

5. Uncontrolled glaucoma

6. Vitreocorneal touch in aphakia

7. Psychological intolerance to the placement of a foreign body in the eye

All of these contraindications are relative. If any contraindication is eliminated, the patient can be reevaluated, remembering that a successful fitting is almost always based on a strong indication.

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