The condition of aphakia corrected with an lens implant (IOL) is mention as pseudophakia. For sorts of IOLs and details of implantation techniques and complications.

Aphakia – 

Absence of crysteline lens is called as aphakia. Apkakia devlope Trauma, Congenital aphakia and surgical aphakia. The correction of aphakia means implant the artificial lens is called the pseudophakia.


opacification of normal crystalline lens becouse loss of vision. Cataract is age related, Traumatic, radiation, steroidal drug and congenital causes. The correction of cataract is remove the opaque crysteline lens and implant the new artificial one this lens called the pseudophakia.

Refractive status of a pseudophakic eye

1. Emmetropia is produce the facility of the IOL implant is exact.

It is the foremost ideal situation. Such patients need plus glasses for sight only.

2. Consecutive myopia occurs the IOL implanted overcorrects the refraction of eye.

Such patients require glasses to correct the myopia for sight. It may be not need glasses for sight depending upon the degree of myopia.

3. Consecutive hypermetropia develops the under-power IOL is implant. Such patients require plus glasses for sight and extra +2 to +3 D for sight .

Signs of pseudophakia

1. The Surgical scar see near the limbus.

2. Anterior chamber is deeper or normal.

3. Mild iridodonesis (tremulousness) of iris may bedemonstrated.

4. Purkinje image test shows four images.

5. In pseudophakia Pupil is blackish in color. Light is throw in pupillary area shining reflexes are observe.

It examine under magnificationafter dilating the pupil. The presence of IOL 

6. Visual status and refraction will vary depending upon the facility of IOL implanted as described above.

Pseudophakia Defination – Sign – Symptomes – Treatment – Intraocular lens. pseudophakia meaning in hindi -Pupillary reflex in pseudophakia -purkinje image




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