ophthalmoscopy meaning procedure uses definition in hindi examination vs retinoscopy

Distance direct ophthalmoscopy | direct ophthalmoscopy vs indirect by Sharp vision | 



It should be performed routinely before the direct ophthalmoscopy, because it gives tons of useful information (vide infra).

 It are often performed with the help of a self-illuminated ophthalmoscope or an easy plain mirror with a hole at the centre.


 the sunshine is thrown into patient’s eye sitting during a semi-darkroom, from a distance of 20-25 cm and therefore the features of the red glow within the pupillary area are noted.

Applications of distant direct ophthalmoscopy

i. To diagnose opacities within the refractive media. Any opacity within the refractive media is seen as a black shadow within the red glow.

 the precise location of the opacity are often determined by observing the parallactic displacement. For this, the patient is asked to maneuver the attention up and down while the examiner is observing the pupillary glow. 

The opacities within the pupillary plane remain stationary, those ahead of the pupillary plane move within the direction of the movement of the attention and people behind it'll move in other way .

ii. To differentiate between a mole and a hole of the iris. a little hole and a mole on the iris appear as a plant disease on oblique illumination. On distant direct ophthalmoscopy, the mole looks black (as earlier) but a red reflex is seen through the hole within the iris.

iii. to acknowledge retinal detachment or a tumour arising from the fundus. A grayish reflex seen on distant direct ophthalmoscopy indicates either a detached retina or a tumour arising from the fundus.



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