What are some methods to clean glass lenses?

Having dirt gathered on our eyeglasses is one of the most common problems faced. If you do not have eyeglasses, you do not know how irritating this problem is. If we have dirt or grease on the surface of the glasses, it makes it difficult to see things.

What are some methods to clean glass lenses?

Moreover, another worrying aspect is that if there is a presence of dirt for a longer amount of time, then headaches and strains near the eyesight can occur which is not good for our health.

Here, I will be going to discuss the best ways to clean glasses. Using these best ways to clean eyeglasses, you will be able to clean the dirt on your glasses in under 30 seconds.

Method to Clean Our Glass Lenses

If our glass lenses are clean, then we will be able to witness everything sharply and without losing our focus. 

Expert doctors say that the cleaning procedure should not take more than 20 seconds, given that the materials required are available with you. 

If it takes more than the prescribed time, it might be possible that you are overdoing the task. 

Let us get into the depth and knowledge about the items that are required for the cleaning procedure.

Using Microfiber Cloth

Using the microfiber cloth will ensure proper cleaning of the glasses. 

Moreover, there will be fewer chances of scratches to be marked on your glasses if microfiber cloth is used correctly.

Solution Used for Cleaning

There are ready-made eyeglasses spray available which are told to be safe for the procedure of cleaning eyeglasses. 

Moreover, you can also use dish soaps that are lotion-free.

The primary aim is to clean the glasses thoroughly without leaving any dirt back. Follow the steps mentioned to ensure proper cleaning.

  • First of all, wash your hands slowly and steadily, and ensure that no dirt is present on your hand. Doing so will make sure that while cleaning the glasses, no dirt is transferred from your hand to your glasses.
  • Next, flow some lukewarm water into your glasses. This will make sure the dust that has settled from the air is removed. 
  • Other substances that can damage the glasses by scratching are also removed by this procedure. If the water in your area is not clean or contains hard substances, then it is advised to make use of distilled water for the process of cleaning.
  • With the help of a microfiber cloth, wipe the glasses.
  • Now, with the help of the cleaning solution, pour some drops on both sides of your glasses. You can do the same with the dish soaps. Pour drops on each side and rub them over the surface of the lens. Later, rinse the same with the usage of soap.
  • Shake your glasses so that the water doesn’t settle on. If you want that no water is settled on your glasses or no watermark is there, then you can make use of canner air or in general terms gas duster for the same.

The Conclusion:

This was all about the best ways to clean glasses. Cleaning glasses is an important aspect. I suggested here the best way to clean eyeglasses. 

I hope that this article helps you to know the importance of washing your glasses as well as frames regularly. There is no harm in cleaning them regularly and hence, we should always spare some time from the day for the procedure of cleaning.



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