Important tips on diabetic diet | What foods will work | Which food will not work

Important tips on diabetic diet | What foods will work | Which foods will not work

Important tips on diabetic diet | What foods will work | Which substance will not work

It will give you a brief overview on what to eat and what to take in case of diabetes.

You all know that sugar and BP have become common. After forty, everyone should check sugar and BP. As soon as you realize that you have sugar, you start eating, but if you don't know, then you don't follow any diet for those diseases. As a result, the disease progresses too much and then gets out of control.

 Most people suffer from BP and sugar after forty, so everyone should check their BP and sugar regularly after forty.

Important tips on diabetic diet

The following foods will work

1. Salads, vegetables, cereals should be included in the diet daily.

2. The grain should be used intact

3. When you are hungry, eat a mixture of buttermilk and murmurs.

4. Fruits include orange, citrus, pomegranate, papaya, apple, guava, watermelon and purple.

5. Made from cow's milk like buttermilk.

6. Use onion or tomato paste instead of peanuts in vegetables.

7. The carnivorous egg white runs on chicken or fish.

The following substances will not work

1. Sweet sugar should not be eaten with honey

2. Don't eat bread, biscuits, salt, toast, bread, butter, cake.

3. Do not eat cashews, pistachios, dates.

4. Fruits like grapes, custard apple, gooseberry, sugarcane, mango, pineapple, chiku banana should not be eaten.

5. Meat and egg yolks should not be eaten.

6. Avoid pickles, papad, salted chiwda, salted biscuits and farsan

7. Foods made from flour should not be eaten.

8. Avoid fried foods.

9. Avoid eating samosa, kachori, vadapav, bhel, panipuri.

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