Why cornea is transperent ?

Corneal transparency

Why cornea is transperent ?

The transparency of cornea is depend on the

1. Arrangement of corneal cell
2. It's avascular nature 
3. Reaction of dehydration
4. active pump action of the endothelium. 

For make the cornea healthy and keeping it's transperency it's require nutrition. Cornea get nutrition from below mention ...

1. Solutes : (glucose and others) enter the cornea by either simple diffusion process or active transport through aqueous humour and by diffusion from the perilimbal capillaries.
2. Oxygen :  Cornea get oxygen directly from air through the tear film. This is an active process by the epithelium.

Metabolism of cornea

The most actively metabolising layers of the cornea are epithelium and endothelium, the former being 10 times thicker than the latter requires a proportionately larger supply of metabolic substrates. 
Like other tissues, the epithelium can metabolize glucose both aerobically and anaerobically into carbon dioxide and water and lactic acid, respectively.
 Thus, under anaerobic conditions lactic acid accumulates in the cornea.




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