What is dry eye and what are causes ? माहिती आरोग्याची

What is dry eye and what are causes ? माहिती आरोग्याची

What is dry eye? 

Dry eye is not a disease entity but a symptom complex occurring as a deficiency or abnormalities of the tear film.

What are the causes of dry eye?

1. Aqueous deficiency dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca - KCS)

Congenital alacrimia

Sjogren's syndrome 

Riley-Day syndrome

Idiopathic hyposecretion

2. Mucin deficiency dry eye

Hypovitaminosis A (xerophthalmia)

Stevens-Johnson syndrome


Chemical burns

3. Lipid abnormalities

Chronic blepharitis

Chronic meibomitis 

4. Impaired eyelid function

Bell's palsy

Exposure keratitis


 5. Epitheliopathies of corneal surface.

Name the important tear film tests performed to diagnose the dry eye. Tear film break-up-time (BUT)

Schirmer - 1 test

Rose bengal staining.




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