Patient Consent form for cataract surgery pdf

Patient Consent form for cataract surgery pdf

Cataract consent form

1. What is consent ?

Consent means you are taking permission from a patient to do specific procedures after giving total information about procedure.

2. Why consent is more important in medical practice ?

As do you know consent means the permission and if you are not taking permission and doing some procedure without information at that cases patient can take any action against you.

As you had not given any information before procedure.

3. In Cataract surgery need consent ?

Yes, any eye surgery even any minute procedure need inform consent and in surgery (cataract surgery, pterygium surgery, chalazion extraction, ptosis surgery, lid correction,) consent should be in written format.

Download consent form for cataract surgery

Consent is very important before doing any surgery. In inform consent detailed information should be given like what type surgery, what are the risk during surgery, what about outcomes after surgery, type of anaesthesia used there should be many things explained before surgery.




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