Multiple choice questions on anatomy and physiology of eye

 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Multiple choice questions on anatomy and physiology of eye

1. Anteroposterior diameter of normal adult eyeball is:

A. 25 mm

B. 24 mm

C. 23.5 mm

D. 23 mm

2. Smallest diameter of the eyeball is:

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Anteroposterior 

D. More than 24 mm

3. Circumference of an adult eyeball is:

A. 80 mm

B. 65 mm 

C. 75 mm 

D. 70 mm

4. Volume of an adult eyeball is:

A. 7.5 mL

B. 6.5 mL

C. 5.5 mL

D. 8 mL

5. Weight of an adult eyeball is:

A. 7 g

B. 9 g

C. 11 g

D. 13 g

6. Anterior segment of the eyeball includes structures lying in front of the:

A. Iris

B. Crystalline lens

C. Vitreous body

D. Cornea

7. Posterior segment of the eyeball includes structures present posterior to the:

A. Posterior surface of the lens and zonules

B. Iris and pupil

C. Vitreous body

D. Anterior surface of the lens and zonules

8. Diameter of an adult crystalline lens is:

A. 5–6 mm

B. 7–8 mm

C. 9–10 mm

D. 11–12 mm

9. Thickness of the adult crystalline lens is about:

A. 2.5 mm

B. 3.5 mm

C. 4.25 mm

D. 5 mm

10. Radius of curvature of the anterior surface of an adult crystalline lens with accommodation at rest is:

A. 7 mm

B. 10 mm

C. 8 mm

D. 9 mm

11. Capsule of the crystalline lens is thinnest at:

A. Anterior pole

B. Posterior pole

C. Equator

D. None of the above

12. Infantile nucleus of the crystalline lens refers to the nucleus developed from:

A. 3 months of gestation to till birth

B. Birth to one year of age

C. Birth to puberty

D. One year of age to 3 years of age

13. The lens fibres meet around the Y-shaped sutures in which part of nucleus of the crystalline lens:

A. Embryonic nucleus

B. Fetal nucleus

C. Infantile nucleus

D. All of the above

14. The youngest lens fibres are present in:

A. Central core of the lens nucleus

B. Outer layer of the nucleus

C. Deeper layer of the cortex

D. Superficial layer of the cortex

15. Schwalbe’s line forming part of the angle of anterior chamber is the prominent end of:

A. Sclera

B. Descemet’s membrane of cornea

C. Anterior limit of trabecular meshwork

D. Posterior limit of trabecular meshwork

16. In a normal adult person the depth of anterior chamber in the centre is about:

A. 2.5 mm

B. 3 mm

C. 3.5 mm

D. 4 mm

17. Is a sweat gland:

A. Gland of Moll

B. Gland of Zeis

C. Mebomian gland

D. All of the above

18. The layer of the cornea once destroyed does not regenerate is:

A. Epithelium

B. Bowman’s membrane

C. Descemet’s membrane

D. All of the above

19. All of the following are true about corneal endothelium except:

A. Cell density is about 3000 cells/mm2 at birth

B. Corneal decompensation occurs when cell count is decreased by 50 percent

C. Endothelial cells contain active pump mechanism

D. Endothelium is best examined by specular microscopy

20. Adult size of the cornea is attained by the age of:

A. 2 years

B. 3 years

C. 5 years

D. 9 years

21. Sclera is weakest at the level of:

A. Macula

B. Equator

C. Insertion of extraocular muscles

D. Ora serrata

22. The definitive colour of the iris depends upon the:

A. Anterior limiting layer

B. Stroma

C. Anterior pigmented epithelium

D. Posterior pigmented epithelium

23. Circulus iridis major is formed by the anastomosis of:

A. Long posterior ciliary arteries with short posterior ciliary arteries

B. Anterior ciliary arteries with short posterior ciliary arteries

C. Long posterior ciliary arteries with anterior ciliary arteries

D. Long posterior arteries with anterior conjunctival arteries

24. Layer of non-pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body is the forward continuation of the:

A. Pigment epithelium of the retina

B. Sensory retina

C. Internal limiting membrane of the retina

D. Bruch’s membrane of the choroid

25. The number of ciliary processes is about:

A. 20–30

B. 50–60

C. 70–80

D. 90–100

26. All of the following are true about circulus arteriosus minor except:

A. It receives contribution from anterior ciliary arteries and long posterior ciliary arteries

B. It is an arterial and venous plexus

C. It lies near the pupillary margin

D. It is the seat of formation of aqueous humour

27. The strongest attachment of the vitreous body to the surrounding structures is at the level of:

A. Vitreous base

B. Optic disc

C. Posterior surface of the lens

D. Foveal region

28. Diameter of the optic disc is:

A. 1.5 mm

B. 2.5 mm

C. 3.5 mm

D. 5 mm

29. Diameter of the macula lutea is:

A. 1.5 mm

B. 3.5 mm

C. 4.5 mm

D. 5.5 mm

30. Diameter of fovea centralis is:

A. 0.5 mm

B. 1.0 mm 

C 1.5 mm 

D. 2.5 mm

31. Henle’s layer refers to the thickened outer plexiform layer in the region of:

A. Foveola

B. Foveal region

C. Parafoveal region 

D. Paramacular region

32. Major retinal vessels are present in:

A. Between the vitreous and internal limiting membrane

B. The nerve fibre layer

C. The inner plexiform layer

D. The inner nuclear layer

33. Optic nerve consists of axons of:

A. Ganglion cells

B. Bipolar cells

C. Rods and cones

D. All of the above

34. Optic nerve fibres once cut, do not regenerate because they are not covered by:

A. Myelin sheath

B. Neurilemma

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

35. Neurons of first order for visual sensations are:

A. Rods and cones

B. Bipolar cells

C. Ganglion cells

D. None of the above

36. Neurones of third order for visual sensations lie in:

A. Layer of bipolar cells

B. Layer of ganglion cells

C. Lateral geniculate body

D. Visual cortex

37. The longest extraocular muscle is:

A. Superior oblique

B. Inferior oblique

C. Superior rectus

D. Inferior rectus

38. The shortest extraocular muscle is:

A. Superior oblique

B. Inferior oblique

C. Superior rectus

D. Inferior rectus

39. The posterior end of which muscle insertion lies near the macula ?

A. Inferior oblique

B. Superior oblique

C. Superior rectus

D. Inferior rectus

40. The nerve which has the longest intracranial course is:

A. Fourth cranial nerve

B. Third cranial nerve

C. Sixth cranial nerve

D. Fifth cranial nerve

41. Glands of Zeis are:

A. Modified sebaceous glands

B. Modified sweat glands

C. Modified lacrimal glands

D. Modified meibomian glands

42. Ducts of the main lacrimal gland open in:

A. Superior fornix

B. Inferior fornix

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

43. Accessory lacrimal glands of Krause are present in the:

A. Upper fornix

B. Lower fornix

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

44. Length of the nasolacrimal duct is about:

A. 8–12 mm

B. 22–34 mm

C. 12–18 mm

D. 18–21 mm

45. Nasolacrimal duct opens into:

A. Superior meatus

B. Middle meatus

C. Inferior meatus

D. Maxillary sinus

46. Nasolacrimal duct is directed:

A. Downwards, slightly outwards and backwards

B. Downwards, slightly inwards and backwards

C. Downwards, slightly outwards and forwards

D. Downwards, slightly inwards and forwards

47. In the nasolacrimal duct, valve of Hasner is present at its:

A. Upper end

B. Lower end

C. Middle

D. None of the above

48. Thinnest wall of the orbit is:

A. Medial wall

B. Floor

C. Roof

D. Lateral wall

49. Thickest wall of the orbit is:

A. Medial wall

B. Lateral wall

C. Roof

D. Floor

50. The volume of the orbit is about:

A. 30 cc

B. 40 cc

C. 50 cc

D. 60 cc

51. All of the following ocular structures are derived from the surface ectoderm except:

A. Crystalline lens

B. Substantia propria of the cornea

C. Conjunctival and corneal epithelium

D. Lacrimal glands

52. Crystalline lens is derived embryologically from the:

A. Surface ectoderm

B. Neuroectoderm

C. Surface ectoderm and mesoderm

D. Neuroectoderm and mesoderm

53. Definitive or secondary vitreous is embryologically derived mostly from:

A. Neuroectoderm

B. Mesoderm

C. Surface ectoderm

D. Surface ectoderm and mesoderm

54. Sphincter and dilator pupillae muscles are derived embryologically from the:

A. Surface ectoderm

B. Mesoderm

C. Neuroectoderm

D. All of the above

55. All of the following ocular structures are derived embryologically from the neuroectoderm except:

A. Epithelial layers of ciliary body and iris

B. Sphincter and dilator pupillae muscles

C. Optic nerve

D. Optic nerve sheaths

56. Normal A: V ratio of retinal blood vessels is:

A. 1 : 2

B. 2 : 3

C. 3 : 2

D. 3 : 4

57. ‘Safe zone’ of the eye ball is:

A. At the limbus

B. 3-4 mm behind the limbus

C. 8-9 mm behind the limbus

D. 12 mm behind the limbus

E. 1 mm behind the limbus

58. Yoke muscle for right superior rectus is:

A. Left superior rectus

B. Left inferior oblique

C. Left inferior rectus

D. Left superior oblique

59. The short posterior ciliary arteries are about in number:

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. 40

E. 45

60. The canal of Schlemm possesses the following anatomic characteristics except:

A. Contains red cells

B. Contains aqueous

C. Lined by endothelium

D. Contains partitions resembling the dural venous sinuses

61. Muscle in the lid attached to posterior tarsal margin is:

A. Levator palpebrae superioris

B. Superior oblique

C. Muller’s muscle

D. Superior rectus

62. Which of the following extraocular muscle has sympathetic innervation:

A. Levator palpebrae superioris

B. Muller’s muscle

C. Superior rectus

D. Inferior rectus

63. Most sensitive part of eye is:

A. Fovea centralis

B. Macula lutea

C. Blind spot

D. Temporal retina

64. Volume of the vitreous is:

A. 2 mL

B. 3 mL

C. 4 mL

D. 7 mL

65. Avascular coat in eye is:

A. Sclera

B. Cornea

C. Retina

D. Choroid

66. Which continues to grow in the lifetime:

A. Cornea

B. Iris

C. Lens

D. Retina

67. Which part of orbicularis oculi is known as Horner’s muscle:

A. Orbital

B. Lacrimal

C. Temporal

D. Muller’s muscle

68. All visual reflexes are developed by:

A. 1 year

B. 2 year

C. 5 year

D. 10 year

69. Corneal endothelial cell count is done by:

A. Specular microscopy

B. Keratometry

C. Gonioscopy

D. Slit lamp

70. Anterior chamber depth:

A. Increases with age

B. Is lesser in women

C. Is lesser in myopes

D. Has hardly any effect on anterior chamber volume

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