Optometry and Ophthalmology mcq for Ophthalmic officer part: 19

Optometry and Ophthalmology mcq 

Optometry and Ophthalmology mcq for Ophthalmic officer part: 19

01. True regarding diabetic retinopathy

  1. A. Always associated with hypertension
  2. B. Always associated with glaucoma
  3. C. Incidence increases with duration of disease✓
  4. D. Seen only in uncontrolled diabetes

02. While sleeping pupil will

  1. A. Dilate
  2. B. Constrict✓
  3. C. Remains same
  4. D. None
Causes of miosis
Effect of local miotic drugs (parasympathomimetic drugs). Effect of opioids like morphine. Heroin use. Iridocyclitis (narrow, irregular, nonreacting pupil). Horner’s syndrome. Head injury. Senile rigid miotic pupil. Due to effect of strong light. During sleep pupil is pinpoint.

03. When parasympatholytic drug applied on eye, pupil will

  1. A. Dilate✓
  2. B. Constrict
  3. C. Remains same
  4. D. None

04. When sympathomimetic drug applied on eye, pupil will

  1. A. Dilate✓
  2. B. Constrict
  3. C. Remains same
  4. D. Non

Causes of mydriasis
Effect of topical sympathomimetic drugs (e.g. adrenaline and phenylephrine). Effect of topical parasympatholytic drugs (e.g. atropine, homatropine, tropicamide and cyclopentolate).
Acute congestive glaucoma (vertically oval large immobile pupil).
  • Absolute glaucoma.
  • Optic atrophy.
  • Retinal detachment.
  • Internal ophthalmoplegia.
  • 3rd nerve paralysis.

05. In Horner's syndrome pupils are

  1. A. Dilated
  2. B. Constricted✓
  3. C. Semi dilated
  4. D. No change
Horner syndrome (Horner’s syndrome or oculosympathetic paresis) results from an interruption of the sympathetic nerve supply to the eye and is characterized by the classic triad of miosis (ie, constricted pupil), partial ptosis, and loss of hemifacial sweating (ie, anhidrosis), as well as enophthalmos (sinking of the eyeball into the bony cavity that protects the eye). The term Horner syndrome is commonly used in
English-speaking countries, whereas the term Bernard-Horner syndrome is common in France.
Von Passow syndrome is an association of Horner syndrome with iris heterochromia.

06. In comple third nerve paralysis, pupil will

  1. A. Dilate✓
  2. B. Constrict
  3. C. Remains same
  4. D. None

07. When a bright light is shown to one eye only

  1. A. Miosis occur in same eye
  2. B. Mydriasis occur in same eye
  3. C. Miosis occur in both eyes✓
  4. D. Miosis occur in same eye and mydriasis in other eye

08. Systemic Opioids like morphine cause pupils

  1. A. Dilate
  2. B. Constrict✓
  3. C. Remains same
  4. D. None

09 Optic disc diameter is approximately

  1. a. 1 mm
  2. b. 1.5 mm✓
  3. c. 0.5 mm
  4. d. 3 mm
  • Macula- 5.5mm Diameter
  • Parafoveal area- 2.5mm Diameter
  • Fovea- 1.5mm Diameter
  • Foveola- 0.35mm Diameter

10. Optic nerve axon emerges from:

  1. a. Ganglion cells✓
  2. b. Rods and cones
  3. c. Amacrine cells
  4. d. Inner nuclear layer

11. Length of optic nerve is

  1. a. 3cm
  2. b. 5cm✓
  3. c. 10 cm
  4. d. 50 cm
Note- answer is given in centimetres, in millimetres answer will be 50

12. Optic nerve derives from

  1. a. Optic sulcus
  2. b. Optic vesicle
  3. c. Optic stalk✓
  4. d. Surface ectoderm

13. Ptosis and mydriasis are seen in:

  1. a. Facial nerve palsy
  2. b. Optic nerve palsy
  3. c. Oculomotor nerve palsy✓
  4. d. Sympathetic palsy

14. Homonymous hemianopia is the result of a lesion in:

  1. a. Optic chiasma
  2. b. Retina
  3. c. Optic tract✓
  4. d. Optic nerve
Lesion in optic chiasma cause *bitemporal hemianopia*

15. Blind spot is also known as

  1. a. Yellow spot
  2. b. Fovea centralis
  3. c. Optic disc✓
  4. d. Optic chiasma
Macula is also known as yellow spot

16. optic tract consists of retinal fibres from

  1. a. Temporal half of same eye and the nasal half of opposite eye✓
  2. b. Nasal half of same eye and the temporal half of opposite eye
  3. c. All fibers from same eye
  4. d. All fibers from opposite eye

17. The optic nerve, also known as

  1. a. cranial nerve I
  2. b. cranial nerve II✓
  3. c. cranial nerve III
  4. d. cranial nerve VII

18. At optic disc

  1. a. Only rod cells are present
  2. b. Only cone cells are present
  3. c. Both rods and cones are present
  4. d. Both rods and cones are absent✓

19. Which cells of the retina are responsible for scotopic vision?

A. bipolar cells
B. rod cells✓
C. ganglion cells
D. cone cells

20. Which part of the retina has the greatest sensitivity to light?

A. the optic disc
B. macula lutea
C. the choroid
D. fovea centralis✓

21. Bitemporal hemianopia is seen with

a. aneurysm of circle of Willis✓
b. temporal SOL
c. frontal SOL
d. retinoblastoma

22. In POAG, the earliest field defect is:

a. Arcuate scotoma
b. Baring of blind spot✓
c. Bjerrum's scotoma
d. Siedel's scotoma

23. Applanation tonometry is based on

A. Imbert-Fick principle✓
B. Goldman's equation
C. Perkins principle
D. Principle of indentation

The intraocular pressure (IOP) of the eye is determined by the balance between the
amount of aqueous humor - that the eye makes and the ease with which it leaves the eye.
The Goldmann equation states:
Po = (F/C) + Pv ; Po is the IOP in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), F is the rate of aqueous
formation, C is the facility of outflow, and Pv is the episcleral venous pressure
Applanation tonometry is based on the Imbert-Fick principle, which states that the
pressure inside an ideal dry, thin-walled sphere equals the force necessary to flatten its
surface divided by the area of flattening (P = F/A, where P = pressure, F = force and A =
area). In applanation tonometry, the cornea is flattened and the IOP is determined by
varying the applanating force or the area flattened

24. Most accurate measurement of IOP is done using

A. Digital tonometry
B. Schiotz tonometry
C. Pneumotonometry
D. Applanation tonometry✓

25. Iatrogenic glaucoma occur due to

A. Angle recession
B. IOL dislocation
C. Steroid use✓
D. Aphakia

26. All are features of Primary Open-angle Glaucoma except

A. Acute onset✓
B. Painless loss of vision
C. Field defects
D. Cupping of disc.

27. End stage of all glaucomas

A. Absolute glaucoma✓
B. Acute congestive glaucoma
C. Total glaucoma
D. None

28. Bayoneting of blood vessels is a sign of

A. Diabetic retinopathy
C. Glaucoma✓
D. Retinal detachment

29. Which of these is not a likely cause of painful red eye in a patient?

A. Open angle glaucoma✓
B. Closed angle glaucoma
C. Conjunctivitis
D. Herpes simplex

30. Essential feature of glaucoma is:

A. Optic neuropathy✓
B. Raised intraocular pressure
C. Reduced vision
D. Angle closure

Glaucoma is basically a type of progressive optic neuropathy with primary and
secondary forms. Raised IOP is just a sign. Glaucoma exist without raised IOP also(NTG).
Raised IOP without neuropathy signs is not glaucoma, it is Ocular hypertension.

31. Uveo-scleral outflow of aqueous humor is increased by:

A. Prostaglandins✓
B. Beta blockers
C. Miotics
D. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

32. Risk factors for glaucoma include:

A. Cardiovascular diseases
B. Family history of glaucoma
C. Hypothyroidism
D. All✓

33. In chronic simple glaucoma, headache and eye pain is

A. Abscent
B. Mild✓
C. Severe
D. Excruciating

34. Unilateral aphakia is corrected by any of the following except:

c. Contact tens
d. Glasses

35. Ideal site for IOL implantation

a. Anterior chamber
b. Endosulcus
c. Ciliary supported
d. Capsular bag✓

36. Phakolytic glaucoma is best treated by:

a. Peripheral iridectomy
b. Cataract extraction✓
c. Trabeculectomy
d. Miotics and Beta blockers

37. Most common cause of acquiredcataract

A. Hereditary
B. Diabetics
C. Smoking
D. Ageing✓

Exposure to UV light plays a vital role in cataract formation in adults.

38. Clinical assessment of cataract progression is done mainly using

A. Visual acuity test✓
B. Contrast sensitivity tests
C. Ophthalmoscopy
D. Perimetry

39. Examination of lens is mainly done using

A. Slit lamp✓
B. Ophthalmoscope
C. Retinoscpe
D. Gonioscope

40. In phacoemulsification incision is usually

A. <3mm✓
B. >3mm
C. 6mm
D. 10mm

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