What are the use of Bagolini Lenses ?

What are the use of Bagolini Lenses ? 

Bagolini lenses is used for ophthalmic procedure it used for detect abnormal retinal correspondence and strabismus many other ocular condition.

The BSGT (Bagolini striated glasses test ) is ophthalmic test commonly used for patients with strabismus, Squint to test for suppression, normal retinal correspondence or abnormal retinal correspondence.

Bagolini striated glasses test, or BSGT

Bagolini lenses are Plano lenses that have tiny striations (0.005 mm in width) inscribed into them.

Bagolini striated glasses test, or BSGT

These lenses are used to test for normal retinal correspondence (NRC) versus anomalous retinal correspondence (ARC), versus absent binocular vision.

bagolini lens test interpretation

To test with these lenses, the lenses are oriented before each eye of the patient with the axis of striations at an angle 90° apart.

For example, the striations might be placed at 45° for the right eye and 135° for the left eye. The test is performed both at distance (20 feet or 6 meters) and at near (13 inches or 33 centimeters). With the lenses in place, a small fixation light is viewed through the lenses.

 This creates a weak luminance ray oriented perpendicular to the striations on the glass, similar to the effect produced by a Maddox lens.

 If suppression is present, only one oblique line corresponding to that seen by the non-suppressing eye is visualized.

 The advantage of this test is that the patient views through a more normal visual environment, in contrast to the Worth 4-Dot test. 

The BSGT is used for patients with strabismus to test for suppression, normal retinal correspondence or abnormal retinal correspondence, particularly in cases of manifest strabismus. 

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