Can ophthalmic officer prescribe eye drops ?

Can ophthalmic officer prescribe eye drops ?
Can ophthalmic officer prescribe eye drops ?

Yes, ophthalmic officer can prescribes certain types of drug and government of Maharashtra issuing certain groups of drug they given by ophthalmic officer at a primary level to treat and diagnosis of various eye disease.

Which drugs ophthalmic officer can prescribe ?

Below are the list of medicine and eye drops prescribe by Ophthalmic officer.

  1. Mydriatics drugs
  2. Cycloplegic drugs for refraction
  3. Topical anasthetics for diagnosis
  4. Basic antibiotics
  5. Painkillers
  6. Antihistminics
  7. Antiallergics
Ophthalmic officer prescribe Mydriatics drugs, Cycloplegic drugs for refraction, Topical anasthetics drugs for diagnosis, Basic antibiotics eye drops and tablets, Painkillers, Antihistaminics eye drops, Antiallergics eye medicines.

What is ophthalmic officer ?

Ophthalmic officer is a government cadre working under National program for control of blindness, they providing very important role in eye health service at primary level to District hospital.

 Ophthalmic officer is a backbone of ophthalmology the main function and work of finding out the error of refraction ( myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, pressbyopia ) and correct it by giving spectacle. 

Ophthalmic officer is very important cader in ophthalmology department. They provide primary eye care at rural area and diagnose various eye disease like conjunctivitis, trachoma, corneal ulcer, corneal opacity, blephrities, uveitis, cataract, glaucoma.

Ophthalmic officer manage and treated some eye disease at their level but in sometime they refer to higher centre for more treatment and suggestion.

Ophthalmic officer giving important role in reducing the blindness by doing diagnosis of various eye disease at primary health centre, rural hospital and by attending various eye camp.

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