Guidelines for Pre-operative, Operative and Post operative precautions for Eye surgery

Guidelines for Pre-operative, Operative and Post operative precautions for Eye surgery



General Exam :


Thorough checkup (Physician's referral)


  • BP - At least 3-4 readings at different timing.

  • ECG - (especially of cardiac and hypertensive cases).

  • Haemogram

  • Urine (R/M, Albumin)

Check up for systemic illness

  • Diabetes

  • Chronic Pulmonary Conditions (COPD)

  • Hypertension & Cardio vascular Condition

  • Renal condition etc.

Ocular Examination

  • Chief complaints and History of the problem. Complete ophthalmic examination
  • Intraocular pressure
  • Syringing - Not to be done on day of surgery
  • Adnexal infections present to be treated with systemic antibiotics.
  • Lid conditions & Sac related such as entropion, trichiasis, and Daryocystitis to be treated first.
  • Intraocular surgery to be delayed by
  • at least three weeks after these surgeries.


  • To be calibrated for each observer
  • To be calibrated after 20 cases for single observer
  • Calibration at 45 D/7.5 mm Horizontal/Vertical
  • Adjust eye piece to make mires coincide


  • Calibration before days use
  • Test Block 14.5 mm (to check with company)
  • Default settings to be used unless indicated
  • Formula 22-24mm SRK-T or SRK-II
  • < 22mm H offer Q
  • >24 mm Holladay-l
  • If the above are not available SRK-T in all patients
  • A scan to be repeated if reading of Axial length vary by over 0.3 mm
  • Biometry to be repeated completely if variation in IOL power is more than 1 Dioptre
  • IOL to be correlated with refraction in contra lateral eye whenever possible.


  • Preoperative antibiotic drops for 24 Hrs.
  • Bath for patients/ Head wash/Face wash
  • Shaving (if possible)

Cleaning & draping

  • Spirit and betadine from inwards outwards at least two times.
  • Special note of eye brow/medial canthus area/nasal area
  • Draping to isolate the eye. Steridrape to be
  • used. (Scurgiwear / Romson's)
  • Eye to be washed with BSS and Betadine 5%

Surgical scrubbing

  • To proceed in a methodical manner from distal to proximal
  • Hands/Palms/fingers/ Medial, lateral, dorsal, ventral aspects.
  • Nail beds to be scrubbed with brush.
  • Fore arm-Medial, lateral, anterior, posterior up to beyond elbow.
  • Scrubbing from distal to proxima.
  • Hands always above waist and elevated so that water drain away from hand,

Pre-opeartive, Operative Precautions

  • Preoperative antibiotic drops for 24 Hrs.

  • Bath for patients/ Head wash/Face wash.

  • Special note of eye brow/medial canthus area/nasal area.

  • Eye to be washed with BSS and Betadine 5%.

  • Sharps - Keratomes/blades/needle not to be reused unless sterilization procedure undertaken.

  • Intraocular instruments and canulas not be reused if possible unless properly sterilized Disposables wherever possible.

  • All Doctors and staff (Medical & Paramedical) should receive formal training in Biomedical waste Management.

  • OT to be washed /scrubbed before use and surfaces carbolized.

  • A drop of Beta-dine before starting the surgery.

Intra-operative Precautions

Intra-operative Precautions

  • A drop of Beta-dine before starting the surgery.

  • Minimal handling of tissues

  • Instruments used for extra ocular manipulation not to be used inside eye

  • No wick left into anterior chamber- uvea/capsule/vitreous and complete removal and formation of anterior chamber with irrigating fluid/Air

  • No foreign material to be left in surgical area.


  • Sub-conjunctival Antibiotics, single Drops of 5% Betadine in the conjunctivital Sac after completion of surgery.
  • Systemic antibiotics only if adnexal infections present.
  • Topical antibiotics to be given post operatively with anti-inflammatory- steroidal/non steroidal agents.
  • Dilating drops once daily to keep pupil mobile.
  • Personal hygiene to be emphasized.
  • Avoid dust, smoke and sunlight.
  • Wear protective dark glasses outdoors
  • Routine weekly/ if necessary, more frequently postoperative visits should be ensured.
  • Frequent instillation of Eye drops to be ensured.

  • Emergency Consultation

    • Excessive pain & Redness.

    • Watering/discharge

    • Sudden Blurring of vision/Decreased or loss of vision

    • Floaters/Flashes

    • Excessive photo phobia

    Post Operative Precautions

  • Sub-conjunctival Antibiotics, single Drops of 5% Betadine in the conjunctivital Sac after completion of surgery.
  • Systemic antibiotics only if adnexal infections present.
  • Topical antibiotics to be given post operatively with anti-inflammatory- steroidal/non steroidal agents.
  • Personal hygiene to be emphasized.
  • Avoid dust, smoke and sunlight.
  • Wear protective dark glasses outdoors.
  • Routine weekly/ if necessary, more frequently postoperative visits should be ensured.
  • Frequent instillation of Eye drops to be ensured.
  • Dilating drops once daily to keep pupil mobile.

Operation theatre Layout

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