Important term & Points in neuroophthalmology

 Important term & Points in neurophthalmology

Important term & Points in neurophthalmology

Suprageniculate lesions of visual pathway usually produce visual field defects with macular sparing.

Optic nerve lesions produce negative scotomas whereas macular lesions cause positive scotoma.

Chromophobe adenoma is the most common primary intracranial tumour producing neuro-ophthalmological features.

Gaze evoked amaurosis is seen in optic nerve sheath meningioma.

Horner’s syndrome (lack of sympathetic innervation) is characterized by miosis, mild ptosis, mild enophthalmos, anhydrosis of the face on the affected side. 

Loss of cilio-spinal reflex and heterochromia (ipsilateral iris is of light colour). 

Tests to confirm diagnosis of Horner’s syndromeare: dilation lag, and cocaine test (normal pupil dilates while Horner’s pupil does not dilate with topical cocaine).

The swelling of the optic disc in papillitis rarely exceeds 2-3D.

Scintilating scotoma is a feature of migraine.

Unilateral central scotoma is the earliest symptom of compression of optic nerve.

Hippus (alternate rhythmatic dilation and constriction of pupils) is a feature of multiple sclerosis.

Erythropsia (red coloured vision) may be experienced by some patients after cataract extraction.

Pupil sparing, third nerve paralysis suggests a medical cause (diabetes or hypertension). While in surgical causes (aneurysm, tumour) pupil is also invovled.

The two most common ocular signs of myasthenia gravis are ptosis and extraocular muscle weakness (paralytic squint).

Neuromyelitis optica (Devic’s disease) may be associated with sudden bilateral blindness.

Papillitis and retrobulbar neuritis : 

Painful ocular movement is more common in retrobulbar neuritis than papillitis and fundus is normal in retrobulbar neuritis while papillitis has characteristic fundus abnormalities.

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