Most important point related with Glaucoma

Most important point related with Glaucoma 

Pilocarpine and other miotics are contraindicated in inflammatory glaucoma, malignant glaucoma and glaucoma due to spherophakia.

 • Commonest hazard following surgery of narrow angle glaucoma is malignant glaucoma.

• Congenital anomaly most commonly associated with buphthalmos is facial haemangiomas.

• refers to heavy pigment deposition in a line above Schwalbe’s line in the angle of anterior chamber (a feature of exfoliative glaucoma).

• Vogt’s triad includes glaukomflecken (anterior subcapsular lenticular opacity), patches of iris atrophy and slightly dilated nonreacting pupil (due to sphincter atrophy); seen in the eye which has suffered an attack of acute congestive glaucoma.

• Pilocarpine and other miotics are contraindicated in inflammatory glaucoma, malignant glaucoma and glaucoma due to spherophakia.

• Most preferred site for filtering operationis superior nasal quadrant.

• Pilocarpine in angle closure glaucoma should be used after control of IOP by aqueous suppressant and hyperosmotic agents.

• Argon laser trabeculoplasty is only the adjuvant to medical therapy of primary open-angle glaucoma.

• Miotics are not useful in a buphthalmos, aphakic glaucoma, glaucomatocyclitic crisis, glaucoma inversus and in epidemic dropsy glaucoma.

• Secondary glaucoma after perforation of the cornea is due to blockage ofthe drainage angle by anterior synechiae.

• In acute-congestive glaucoma,the choiceof surgery between peripheral iridectomy and filtering operation is decided by gonioscopic examination.

• Single most important test in diagnosing POAGand response to treatment is visual field testing.

• Earliest and most constant symptom in infantile glaucoma is lacrimation.

• Latanoprost: PGF2 alpha.

– Uses: Uveoscleral pathway (only drug)

– DOC of open angle glaucoma.

– Most potent antiglaucoma.

– DOC of low tension glaucoma.

• Safest antiglaucoma/drug of choice in children is dorzolamide.

• Antiglaucoma drugs causing blepheroconjunctivitis

– Latanoprost (clinically significant and most common)

– Timolol

– Dipiverfrine

• Increased IOP in glaucoma damages retinal ganglion cells (RGC).

• Nasal field first to be damaged and temporal last.

• Diffused iris melanoma causes intractable secondary glaucoma.

• In epidemic dropsy, wide angle glaucoma is associated with raised levels of histamine , prostaglandin and proteins (hypersecretary glaucoma)

• Fincham’s test is used to differentiate the halos of PACG and immature cataract, in this stenopaeic slit is passed across the pupil, glaucomatous halos remains intact while halos due to cataract are broken into segments.

• Inverse glaucoma: Pilocarpine causes paradoxical rise in IOP.

• Well–Marchesani syndrome is associated with spherophakia

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