NPCBVI PORTAL- How to register patient - how update and delete wrong patient entry

 National Programme for Control of Blindness & Visual Impairment (NPCBVI)

NPCBVI PORTAL- How to register patient - how update and delete wrong patient entry

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Register patient screen points - Some points to be considered while registering a new patient 

Do not use chrome browser NPCBVI portal not supported with chrome browser.

Use mozilla firefox and internet explorer this both browser support to NPCBVI portal.

* Search in google NPCBVI or  type the link  and search 

* Click on first results from google search

NPCBVI PORTAL- How to register patient - how update and delete wrong patient entry

* Enter login id and password in next windows to login your user account.

NPCBVI PORTAL- How to register patient - how update and delete wrong patient entry

If you log in to your user profile click on add patient.

ID is needed to be selected among these various options only

Note: Aadhaar card is not available in options right now, please choose any other type or choose ‘Not Applicable’ in Id type option. 

 Voter Id

 Driving License

 Passport

 Ration Card

 PAN Number

Select the hospital where patient is supposed to be treated, If only one hospital is registered in a district. Only one option is available here.

 Patient’s Image – It should be clear and maximum size allowed is 200 Kb. Also click on ‘upload’ button. Preview of image will appear once uploaded. Also make sure only ‘png’ and 'jpg’ format are allowed. 

Dependency Type – By default is self (selected) also there is a option to add Dependant information. Dependant includes

 Mother

 Father

 Brother

 Sister

 Daughter

 Spouse

Date of Birth is Mandatory and should be filled in DD/MM/YYYY format. In case patient is not aware of his/her exact date of birth, fill the age. Software will pick a random date as per entered age. 

Mobile Number – It is mandatory, In case patient doesn’t have mobile number, please fill relative’s number.

  Relation Type:

o Self

o Mother

o Father

o Brother

o Sister

o Daughter

o Spouse

Communication Language – Language that patient understand – SMS will be sent by system in this language.

 Screening Date – Usually today’s date, when patient’s screening takes place.

 State, district, City, Village, address – all related to patient’s native place. 

Note: Upon registration, an SMS will be sent to registered patient’s mobile number in the selected communication language.

 Upon submission, a unique Patient-Id will be generated by system. Please note down this Id. When patient is operated in Hospital, further diagnostic details will be filled against this Patient.

NPCBVI PORTAL- How to register patient - how update and delete wrong patient entry

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