ophthalmology abbreviation list

ophthalmology abbreviation list

AAION - arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy 

AAU - acute anterior uveitis AC anterior chamber 

AC/A - ratio accommodative convergence/accommodation ratio

 AD autosomal dominant 

AF autofluorescence 

AHP abnormal head posture 

AI accommodative insufficiency 

AIBSE acute idiopathic blind spot enlargement syndrome 

AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome

 AIM (unilateral) acute idiopathic maculopathy 

AION anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy 

AIR autoimmune retinopathies 

AKC atopic keratoconjunctivitis 

ALT argon laser trabeculoplasty 

AMD age-related macular degeneration 

AMN acute macular neuroretinopathy 

ANA antinuclear antibody 

ANCA antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies

 APD afferent pupillary defect 

APMPPE acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy

 AR autosomal recessive 

AREDS Age-Related Eye Disease Study 

ARN acute retinal necrosis 

ARPE acute retinal pigment epitheliitis 

AZOOR acute zonal occult outer retinopathy 

AZOR acute zonal outer retinopathy 

BCC basal cell carcinoma 

BCVA best-corrected visual acuity 

BIO binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy

BP blood pressure 

BRAO branch retinal artery occlusion 

BRVO branch retinal vein occlusion 

BSV binocular single vision 

BUT breakup time 

CAI carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 

CCDD congenital cranial dysinnervation disorders

 CCT central corneal thickness 

CDCR canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy 

CF counts (or counting) fingers 

CHED congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy 

CHP compensatory head posture 

CHRPE congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium 

CI convergence insufficiency 

CMO cystoid macular oedema (US = CME)

 CNS central nervous system 

CNV choroidal neovascularization

 CNVM choroidal neovascular membrane 

COX-2 cyclo-oxygenase-2 

CPEO chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia

 CRAO central retinal artery occlusion 

CRP C-reactive protein 

CRVO central retinal vein occlusion 

CSC central serous chorioretinopathy 

CSMO clinically significant macular oedema (US = CSME)

 CSC/CSCR central serous chorioretinopathy

 CSR central serous chorioretinopathy 

CSS central suppression scotoma 

CT computed tomography

 DCR dacryocystorhinostomy

 DMO diabetic macular oedema (US = DME) 

DR diabetic retinopathy 

DVD dissociated vertical deviation 

ECG electrocardiogram 

EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 

EKC epidemic keratoconjunctivitis

 EOG electro-oculography/gram 

ERG electroretinography/gram 

ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate

 ETDRS Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study

 FA fluorescein angiography (also FFA)

 FAF fundus autofluorescence 

FAP familial adenomatous polyposis 

FAZ foveal avascular zone

 FBA frosted branch angiitis 

FBC full blood count 

FFM fundus flavimaculatus 

GA geographic atrophy 

GAT Goldmann applanation tonometry

GCA giant cell arteritis 

GPC giant papillary conjunctivitis 

HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy 

HIV human immunodeficiency virus 

HM hand movements 

HRT Heidelberg retinal tomography 

HSV-1 herpes simplex virus type 1 

HSV-2 herpes simplex virus type 2 

HZO herpes zoster ophthalmicus

 ICG indocyanine green

 ICGA indocyanine green angiography

 Ig immunoglobulin

 IK interstitial keratitis 

ILM internal limiting membrane 

INO internuclear ophthalmoplegia 

IOFB intraocular foreign body

IOID idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease 

IOL intraocular lens 

IOP intraocular pressure 

IRMA intraretinal microvascular abnormality

 IRVAN idiopathic retinal vasculitis, aneurysms and neuroretinitis syndrome 

ITC iridotrabecular contact 

IU intermediate uveitis JIA juvenile idiopathic arthritis 

KC keratoconus 

KCS keratoconjunctivitis sicca 

KP keratic precipitate

 LA local anaesthetic

 LASEK laser (also laser-assisted) epithelial keratomileusis 

LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis

 LN latent nystagmus 

MCP multifocal choroiditis and panuveitis 

MEWDS multiple evanescent white dot syndrome 

MFC multifocal choroiditis and panuveitis 

MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus 

MRI magnetic resonance imaging 

MS multiple sclerosis 

NF1 neurofibromatosis type I 

NF2 neurofibromatosis type II 

NPDR non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy 

NRR neuroretinal rim 

NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

 NSR neurosensory retina

 NTG normal-tension glaucoma 

NVD new vessels on the disc 

NVE new vessels elsewhere 

OCT optical coherence tomography/gram 

OHT ocular hypertension

 OKN optokinetic nystagmus 

PAC primary angle closure PACG primary angle-closure glaucoma 

PACS primary angle-closure suspect 

PAM primary acquired melanosis 

PAN polyarteritis nodosa 

PAS peripheral anterior synechiae 

PC posterior chamber

PCO posterior capsular opacification

PCR polymerase chain reaction 

PCV polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy 

PDR proliferative diabetic retinopathy

PDS pigment dispersion syndrome

PDT photodynamic therapy 

PED pigment epithelial detachment 

PIC punctate inner choroidopathy 

PIOL primary intraocular lymphoma 

PION posterior ischaemic optic neuropathy 

PKP penetrating keratoplasty 

POAG primary open-angle glaucoma 

POHS presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome 

PP pars planitis 

PPCD posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy

 PPDR preproliferative diabetic retinopathy 

PPM persistent placoid maculopathy 

PPRF paramedian pontine reticular formation 

PRK photorefractive keratectomy 

PRP panretinal photocoagulation 

PS posterior synechiae 

PUK peripheral ulcerative keratitis 

PVD posterior vitreous detachment 

PVR proliferative vitreoretinopathy 

PXF pseudoexfoliation 

RAO retinal artery occlusion 

RAPD relative afferent pupillary defect 

RD retinal detachment 

RNFL retinal nerve fibre layer 

ROP retinopathy of prematurity 

RP retinitis pigmentosa 

RPC relentless placoid chorioretinitis 

RPE retinal pigment epithelium 

RRD rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

 RVO retinal vein occlusion 

SAP standard automated perimetry

 SCC squamous cell carcinoma 

SD-OCT spectral domain optical coherence tomography 

SF short-term fluctuation 

SFU progressive subretinal fibrosis and uveitis syndrome 

SIC solitary idiopathic choroiditis 

SJS Stevens–Johnson syndrome 

SLK superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis

 SLT selective laser trabeculoplasty 

SRF subretinal fluid 

SS Sjögren syndrome

 STIR short T1 inversion recovery 

TAL total axial length 

TB tuberculosis 

TEN toxic epidermal necrolysis 

TGF transforming growth factor 

TIA transient ischaemic attack 

TTT transpupillary thermotherapy 

TM trabecular meshwork

 TRD tractional retinal detachment 

UBM ultrasonic biomicroscopy 

US ultrasonography 

VA visual acuity 

VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor 

VEP visual(ly) evoked potential(s) 

VFI visual field index 

VHL von Hippel–Lindau syndrome

 VKC vernal keratoconjunctivitis 

VKH Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada syndrome 

VZV varicella zoster virus 

XL X-linked

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