Systemic ophthalmology : Important points

Systemic ophthalmology : Important points


Systemic ophthalmology : Important points

• Most common ocular involvement in sarcoidosis is iritis.

• The most common ocular finding in AIDS patients is iritis and the most common fundus finding is cotton wool spots.

• The commonestocularfinding inanaemia ispallor of conjunctiva.

• Diabetes is themost commoncause of cottonwool spots.

• Toxoplasmosis is the most common cause of posterior uveitis.

• The major cause of blindness in leprosy is iritis

• The most common ocular manifestation of multiple sclerosis is retrobulbar neuritis.

• Ocular signs in SLE are marginal corneal degeneration, episcleritis, scleritis, retinal haemorrhages and cotton-wool retinal exudates.

• Pupillary abnormalities in tabes dorsalis include spinal miosis, anisocoria and argyll-robertson pupil.

• Most commonly involved cranial nerve in fracture base of the skull is facial nerve.

• The commonest ocular sign of hypothyroidism is cataract.

• Dalrymple’s sign is the commonest lid sign of Graves’ ophthalmopathy.

• The commonest feature of Waardenburg’s syndrome is lateral displacement of both medial canthi and lacrimal puncta.

• The commonest ocular infection associated with AIDS is CMV retinitis.

• Ocular complications associated with pregnancy are worsening of diabetic retinopathy, ptosis, central serous retinopathy, ophthalmoplegia.

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