Vision Centre Manual NPCB PDF Books Download Free

Vision Centre Manual NPCB PDF Books Download Free 

Vision Centre Manual NPCB PDF Books Download Free

  •  Background
  • Need for Vision Centres
  • Profile of blindness in India
  • Ocular morbidity in India
  • What is a Vision Center?
  • Functions of a Vision Center
  • Advantages of a Vision Center
  • Vision Center premises
  • Layout of the Vision Center
  • Equipment needs for a Vision Center
  • Furniture
  • Drugs and consumables at a Vision Centre
  • Stationery at Vision Centers
  • Personnel at a Vision Center
  • Support from a Secondary Center (Service Center) for a Vision Center
  • Expected workload at a Vision Centre
  • Scheduling of activities at a Vision Center
  • Financial sustainability
  • DO's and DON'Ts for medicines
  • Quality assurance at a Vision Center
  • MIS at a Vision Center
  • Monitoring of Vision Center activities

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