MCQ on the anatomy and disease of vitreous of eye

MCQ on the anatomy and disease of vitreous of eye 

MCQ on the anatomy and disease of vitreous of eye

1. Synchysis refers to: 

A. Liquefaction of the vitreous 
B. Black spots in front of the eyes 
C. Collapse of the vitreous 
D. Detachment of the vitreous 

2. Syneresis refers to: 

A. Liquefaction of the vitreous 
B. Black spots in front of the eye 
C. Collapse of the vitreous 
D. Detachment of the vitreous 

3. In vitreous base detachment, vitreous body is detached from its attachment with the: 

A. Optic disc 
B. Ora-Serrata 
C. Posterior surface of the lens 
D. Fovea centralis 

4. All of the following are features of asteroid hyalosis except: 

A. Usually bilateral 
B. Solid vitreous 
C. Spherical calcium bodies 
D. Usually asymptomatic 

5. All of the following are features of synchysis scintillans except: 

A. Fluid vitreous 
B. Spherical calcium bodies 
C. Shower of gold rain 
D. Secondary to trauma or inflammations of the eye 

6. Vitrectomy should be considered if the vitreous haemorrhage is not absorbed within: 

A. 1 month 
B. 3 months 
C. 6 months 
D. 2 months 

7. Presistent hyperplastic primary vitreous may be associated with: 

A. Long ciliary processes 
B. Microphthalmos 
C. Cataract 
D. All of the above 

8. Commonest cause of vitreous haemorrhage is: 

A. Diabetes 
B. Hypertension 
C. Trauma 
D. Lens extraction 

9. Vitreous haemorrhage is seen in all except: 

A. Coat’s disease 
B. Eales’ disease 

10. Vitreous haemorrhage is not seen in: 

A. Hypertension 
B. Eales’ disease 
C. Trauma 
D. Diabetes mellitus 
E. Vitreous degeneration 

11. A vitreous aspirate has been collected in an emergency at 9 pm. What advice would you like to give to the staff on duty regarding the overnight storage of the sample: 

A. The sample should be kept at 4°C 
B. The sample should be incubated at 37°C 
C. The sample should be refrigerated in deep freezer 
D. The sample should be refrigerated for the initial 3 hours and then kept at 37°C 12. 

12. Eales disease is: 

A. Recurrent optic neuritis 
B. Recurrent pappilloedema 
C. Recurrent periphelbitis retinae 
D. None 

13. Eale’s disease is: 

 A. Retinal hemorrhage 
B. Vitreous hemorrhage 
C. Conjunctival hemorrhage 
D. Choroidal hemorrhage

14. A 25-year-old male presents with painless sudden loss of vision. Ocular and systemic examination is not contributory. What is probable diagnosis. 

A. Retinal detachment 
B. Eale’s disease 
C. Glaucoma 
D. Cataract
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