Complication of peribulbar injection block
Complication of peribulbar injection before and after
Complication of peribulbar and retrobulbar injection
Below are the some complication of ocular anasthesia and side effect of eye anasthetics drugs.
- Retrobulbar hemorrhage
- Conjunctival and eyelid ecchymosis
- Proptosis
- Exposure keratopathy
- Elevated intraocular pressure
- Contralateral amaurosis
- Respiratory arrest
- Bradycardia
- Central retinal artery/vein occlusion
- Optic atrophy
- Transient reduction in visual acuity
- Extraocular muscle palsies
- Ptosis
- Pupillary abnormalities
- Chemosis
- Eyelid swelling
- Pain
- Cardiovascular or central nervous system drug toxicity
- Accidental perforation or explosion of the globe
- Retained intraorbital needle fragment
Ocular anasthesia
Ocular anasthesia is given before any Ocular surgery or surgical procedure, peribulabar injection is commonly use in cataract surgery proceger.
Ocular anasthesia effect gives akinesia of eye and lid movement. The eye movement and lid movement is completely block so that pateint having comfortable during surgery.