Interpret fundus fluorescein angiography defects on angiograms


Interpret fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) abnormalities and defects on angiograms.

Diagnose the retinal vascular disease on the nature of blood flow through the retinal artery and veins with the help of FFA.

• Fluorescein is an organic dye commonly used in Ophthalmic test. 

• When blue light is flash on fluorescein dye, it fluoresces yellow-green. 

• We do this commonly when looking at the cornea after instilling fluorescein. The same dye can be injected intravenously. 

• A blue light camera can take pictures of the retinal circulation, and the emitted fluorescence is then passed through a yellow-green filter and sent to the camera for the final image.

• In a normal eye, fluorescein can not permeate through the endothelial cells of the retinal blood vessels nor can it pass through tight junctions in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). 

• The yellow-green wavelength is also heavily absorbed by the RPE so the choroidal fluorescence is blocked. 

• This makes FFA good for evaluating the retinal vasculature, not the choroidal vasculature.

Normal fundus on FFA

• In contrast with FFA, indocyanine green (ICG) dye is great for evaluating the choroidal circulation. 

• Almost all of the ICG molecules are protein bound, so they do not readily produce retinal leakage or staining.

• ICG fluoresces in the infrared wavelength and readily passes through the RPE (retinal pigment epithelium).

Phases of the FFA 

Choroidal phase (AKA pre-arterial phase): 

• 9-15 seconds-  The choroidal hyperfluorescence is present. A cilioretinal artery if there is one will fill in this phase.

• Delayed choroidal filling time happens in ocular ischemic syndrome (OIS).

Arterial phase: 

• 1-3 seconds later - Arteries are bright, but the veins remain dark.

Arteriovenous phase: 

• Laminar flow in the veins – the walls of the veins are bright while the center of the vein is still dark.

Venous phase: 

• By 30 seconds - Complete filling of the veins.

 Late phase:

• 30 seconds – 10 minutes - Dye has recirculated. Things that are going to leak or pool will have done so already.

Types of hyperfluorescence defect

• There are 4 different types of hyperfluorescence abnormalities (brightness) in FFA:


• Hyperfluorescence progressively enlarges with fuzzy borders. 

• The dye permeates out of leaky, incompetent blood vessels in the setting of neovascularization, retinal vasculitis, vascular malformations, tumors, or disc edema (dye leaks from prepapillary capillaries).


• Hyperfluorescence progressively enlarges to fill the fluid cavity and then becomes fixed in size. 

• Usually the dye fills a cavity like the subretinal space or sub-RPE space (in a PED).


• Late hyperfluorescence due to accumulation of fluorescein dye. 

• The hyperfluorescence gradually gets brighter, but the size stays the same. 

• Usually a mild amount of fluorescence is seen, but it is never very bright. 

• The optic disc always stains. Additionally, drusen and fibrosis will stain.

Window defect

• Defect in the RPE allows transillumination of the choroidal hyperfluorescence. 

• Remains static in size and brightness and becomes fluorescent with the choroidal phase before the arteries even fill in the early frames.

Types of hypofluorescence defect

• There are 2 major types of hypofluorescence:


• Blood or other opacities block the fluorescence.

• Blockage of the retinal fluorescence can happen due to preretinal or vitreous hemorrhage. 

• Blockage of the choroidal fluorescence can happen due to nevi or melanomas, Stargardt’s disease (lipofuscin blocking choroidal flush leading to a “dark choroid”), or subretinal blood.

Filling defect – 

• lack of retinal perfusion due to capillary dropout, retinal artery occlusion and other causes.


• Fluorescein angiography (FA) is a great way to evaluate retinal circulation.

• Nowadays, OCT has greatly reduced the number of FAs performed, though FA still remains a very important modality for assessing many circulatory dysfunctions of the retina.

• FAs can be evaluated based on distinct phases of dye circulation.

• Various pathology can cause structures to be hyperflourescent or hypoflourescense. It is important to know generally what pathology correlates with what FA appearance.

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