Term in Disease of eyelid For Ophthalmic Officer DHS Exam

Important Term in Disease of eyelid For Ophthalmic Officer DHS Exam

Important Term in Disease of eyelid For Ophthalmic Officer DHS Exam


• Abnormal drooping of upper eyelid is called ptosis. 
• Upper lid cover about upper one-sixth of cornea (2mm) 
• In ptosis its cover more than 2mm of cornea.


• Congenital distichiasis is rare anomaly 
• In which an extra row of eyelashes is called as distichiasis. 
• It ocuupies the position of meibomain gland. 
• These cilia are usually directed backward and due its rubbing the cornea.


• Absent f cilia is called as madarisis. 
• It may be seen in patients with chronic blepritis, Leprosy and myxoedema.


• Greying of cilia is called as poliosis. 
• Its seen in old age.


• It is very rare anomaly. 
• In which eyelid fail to developed is called as Crytophthalmous. 
• In which skin passes continuously from eyebrow to cheek and hiding eyeball.


• It is chronic inflammation of the lid margin is called as blephritis. 
• It is extremely common disease of eyelid.


• In this condition eyelid are developed abnormally small. 
• It is usually associated with microphthalmous and anophthalmous.


• In this condition eyelid are developed abnormally very small or virtually absent .

External hordeolum 

• It is an acute suppurative inflammation of gland of Zeis or Moll. 
• It is also called as stye.


• It is chronic non infective granulomatous inflammation of the meibomian gland. 
• It is also called as Tarsal cyst and Meibomian cyst.

Internal Hordeolum 

• It is suppurative inflamation of the meibomian gland. 
• It associated with blockage of duct of meibomian gland.

Molluscum Contagiosum 

• It is viral infection of lids. 
• It seen more in children. 
• It is caused by large poxvirus. • It is multiple, pale, wax, swelling over skin near lid margin.


• It is inward turning of misdirected one or two cilia with normal position of lid margin. 
• The misdirected cilia rub to cornea.


• It is inward turning of misdirected one or two cilia along with lid margin.


• Outward turning margin is called ectropin.


• In this condition lids become adherent with the eyeball. 
• In which adhesion between the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva.


• Horizontally narrow palpebral fissure - Adhesion between margin of upper and lower lid. 
• It may occur as a congenital anomalies or chemical burn, thermal burn, ulcer and traumatic wound. 
• Palpebral fissure horizontal – 28-30 mm 
• Palpebral fissure vertical – 8-10 mm


• Horizontally narrow palpebral fissure - Adhesion between margin of upper and lower lid. 
• It may occur as a congenital anomalies or chemical burn, thermal burn, ulcer and traumatic wound. 
• Palpebral fissure horizontal – 28-30 mm 
• Palpebral fissure vertical – 8-10 mm


• This condition is characterized by inability to voluntarily close the eyelid. 


• It refers to the involuntary, sustained and forceful closer of eyelid.

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