Ophthalmology and Optometry MCQ Series Part 10

Ophthalmology and Optometry multiple choice questions for Ophthalmic officer exam, Eye Testing Officer, Refractonist, Optometrist DHS Exam, DMER exam, UPSSSC exam.

Optometry MCQ Series Part - 10
Ophthalmology and Optometry MCQ Series Part 10

◽1. Corneal sensations are diminished in:

A. Herpes simplex
B. Conjunctivitis
C. Fungal infections
D. Marginal keratitis

◽2. Phlycten is due to:

A. Endogenous allergy
B. Exogenous allergy
C. Degeneration
D. None of the above

◽3. Which of the following organism can penetrate
intact corneal epithelium?

A. Strept pyogenes
B. Staph aureus
C. Pseudomonas pyocyanaea
D. Corynebacterium diphtheria 

◽4. Patching of the eye is contraindicated in:

A. Corneal abrasion
B. Bacterial corneal ulcer
C. Mucopurulent conjunctivitis
D. After glaucoma surgery

◽5. Tranta's spots are noticed in cases of:

A. Active trachoma
B. Bulbar spring catarrh
C. Corneal phlycten
D. Vitamin A deficiency

◽6. Fifth nerve palsy could cause:

A. Ptosis
B. Proptosis
C. Neuropathic keratopathy
D. Lagophthalmos

◽7. The effective treatment of dendritic ulcer of the cornea is:

A. Surface anesthesia
B. Local corticosteroids
C. Systemic corticosteroids
D. Acyclovir ointment

◽8. Herpes simplex keratitis is characterized by

A. Presence of pus in the anterior chamber
B. No tendency to recurrence
C. Corneal hyposthesia
D. Tendency to perforate

◽9. Bacteria, which can attack normal corneal epithelium:

A. Neisseria gonorrhea.
B. Staphylococcal epidermidis
C. Moraxella lacunata
D. Staphylococcal aureus

◽10. Organisms causing angular conjunctivitis

A. Moraxella Axenfeld bacilli
B. Pneumococci
C. Gonococci
D. Adenovirus

◽11. Deep leucoma is best treated by:

A. Tattooing
B. Lamellar keratoplasty
C. Keratectomy
D. Penetrating keratoplasty

◽12. The commonest cause of hypopyon corneal ulcer is

A. Moraxella
B. Gonococcus
C. Pneumococcus
D. Staphylococcus

◽13. Cornea is supplied by nerve fibers derived from:

A. Trochlear nerve
B. Optic nerve
C. Trigeminal nerve
D. Oculomotor nerve

◽14. Most of the thickness of cornea is formed

A. Epithelial layer
B. Substantia propria
C. Descemet's membrane
D. Endothelium

◽15. Schirmer’s test is used for diagnosing:

A. Dry eye
B. Infective keratitis
C. Watering eyes
D. Horner’s syndrome

◽16. Lagophthalmos can occur in all of the following except;

A. 7th cranial nerve paralysis
B. 5th cranial nerve paralysis
C. Thyrotoxic exophthalmos
D. Symblepharon

◽17. One of the earliest features of anterior
uveitis includes

A. Keratic precipitates
B. Hypopyon
C. Posterior synechiae
D. Aqueous flare

◽18. Koeppe’s nodules are found in

A. Cornea
B. Sclera
C. Iris
D. Conjunctiva

◽19. Topical atropine is contraindicated in:

A. Retinoscopy in children
B. Iridocyclitis
C. Corneal ulcer
D. Primary angle closure glaucoma

◽20. Amaurotic cat's eye reflex is seen in:

A. Papilloedema
B. Retinoblastoma
C. Papillitis
D. Retinitis

◽21. Night blindness is caused by:

A. Central retinal vein occlusion
B. Dystrophies of retinal rods
C. Dystrophies of the retinal cones
D. Retinal detachment

◽22. Which is not found in papilloedema?

A. Blurred vision
B.Blurred margins of disc
C. Cupping of disc
D. Retinal edema

◽23. D-shaped pupil occurs in:

A. Iridocyclitis
B. Iridodenesis
C. Cyclodialsis
D. Iridodialysi

◽24. All the following are extraocular muscle of eye

A. Superior rectus
B. Ciliary muscle
C. Inferior oblique
D. Superior oblique

◽25. The best treatment for amblyopia is:

A. Orthoptic exercises
B. Occlusion
C. Surgery
D. Best treat after age 10 years

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