Ophthalmology and Optometry MCQ Series Part 11

Important Multiple choice questions for DHS exam, AIIMS Exam, DMER exam, UPSSSC exam to Ophthalmic officer, optometrist and eye testing officer.

Ophthalmology and Optometry MCQ Series Part 11

◽1. In chalazion operation, incision given in conjunctiva is usually

A. Horizontal

B. Vertical

C. Oblique

D. Any

◽2. A person approach you with a chemical fall in eye, what will be the first thing to do

A. Irrigation

B. Antibiotics

C. Bandaging

D. Steroids

◽3. Vision 2020: The Right to Sight launched in the year

A. 1986

B. 1978

C. 1999

D. 2001

◽4. WHO: Prevention of Blindness Programme (PBP) launched in the year

A. 1975

B. 1978

C. 1999

D. 2001

◽5. National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB) launched in the year

A. 1986

B. 1976

C. 1978

D. 1968

◽6. Main cause of blindness in India

A. Refractive error

B. Cataract

C. Glaucoma

D. Diabetic retinopathy

◽7. SAFE strategy implemented for control of

A. Onchocerciasis

B. Trachoma

C. Xerophthalmia

D. Conjunctivitis

◽8. Percentage of blindness for a person with one eye blind and other eye normal

A. 30%

B. 40%

C. 50%

D. 100%

◽9. What is the definition of blindness under NPCB

A. Corrected Vision less than 6/60 in both eyes

B. Corrected Vision less than 3/60 in any eye

C. Corrected Vision less than 3/60 in both eyes

D. No perception of light in both eyes

◽10. Globally, Main cause of low vision is

A. Cataract

B. Refractive errors

C. Corneal opacity

D. Glaucoma

◽11. World health day is on

A. April 7

B. June 5

C. October 15

D. November 14

◽12. World glaucoma week is observed annually during the month of

A. March

B. April

C. October

D. August

◽13. Eye donation fortnight is observed annually during the month of

A. August

B. September

C. August- September

D. October

◽14. Vision 2020: The Right to Sight is a

A. National programme

B. State level programme

C. District level programme

D. Global programme

◽15. Deficiency of vitamin D may be associated with

A. zonular cataract

B. papilloedema

C. increased lacrimation

D. All

◽16. Snowflake Cataracts may be seen in patients with

A. Diabetes

B. Hypertension

C. High cholesterol

D. hypoglycemia

◽17. Onchocerciasis is an infection caused by

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungi

D. Parasite

◽18. In WHO classification of xerophthalmia X2 refers to

A. Night blindness

B. Conjunctival xerosis

C. Bitots spots

D. Corneal xerosis

◽19. Cycloplegic drugs are used in all except

A. Gonioscopy

B. Retinoscopy

C. Funduscopy

D. Uveitis treatment

◽20. Maximum refractive index in eye is of

A. Cornea

B. Anterior capsule of lens

C. Posterior capsule of lens

D. Center of lens

◽21. Which is the most important complication of anterior chamber IOLs

A. Glaucoma

B. Hyphema

C. Subluxation

D. Retinal detachment

◽22. Christmas-Tree cataract is seen in

A. Myotonic dystrophy

B. Irradiation cataract

C. Diabetes

D. Traumatic cataract

◽23. Steroid-induced cataract is:

A. Posterior subcapsular

B. Anterior subcapsular

C. Nuclear cataract

D. Cupulliform cataract

◽24. Constantly changing refractory error is seen in

A. Traumatic cataract

B. Diabetic cataract

C. Morgagnian cataract

D. Intumescent cataract

◽25. Uniocular diplopia is seen in which stage of cataract:

A. Incipient

B. Intumescent

C. Mature

D. Hypermature

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