What is Purkinje reflexes test?

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What is Purkinje reflexes test?

Purkinje Images Test 

Purkinje Image test is ophthalmic test it is use for to diagnose the aphakia, pseudophakia, mature cataract and immature cataract with the help of reflexes from the surface of eye part.

This test does not have much significance and thus is not frequently used in clinical practice. However, it is described as a tribute of the original worker who used this test to diagnose mature cataract and aphakia

Purkinje Image 

Purkinje images are reflections of objects from the structure of the eye. They are also known as Purkinje reflexes

• The first Purkinje image (P1) is the reflection from the outer surface of the cornea. 

• The second Purkinje image (P2) is the reflection from the inner surface of the cornea. 

• The third Purkinje image (P3) is the reflection from the outer (anterior) surface of the lens. 

• The fourth Purkinje image (P4) is the reflection from the inner (posterior) surface of the lens

Procedures of Purkinje images test 

● Ask patient to sit at infront of examiner at arm distance 

● Ask patient to see straight towards the examiner. 

● Examiner shown the torch light light on patient eye and examine the presence and absence of 4 Purkinje images. 

● According to Images seen in to the eye result should be note.

Result of 4 Purkinje images test 

● Normal eye seen 4 Purkinje images when light shown on the eye. 

● Aphakia (absence of lens) is diagnosed by absence of 3rd and 4th Purkinje images. 

● Mature Cataract is diagnosed when only three Purkinje images are seen. 

● Pseudophakia - When posterior chamber IOL is present it is diagnosed by shining reflexes from the anterior surface of IOL and presence of all the four Purkinje’s images
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