MCQ Series 108 : optometry and Ophthalmogy MCQ test series
1. In central serous retinopathy, in the macular region, there occurs:
3.In cystoid macular edema fluid collects in the macular region at the level of:
8. All of the following are true about incidence of retinoblastoma except:
1. In central serous retinopathy, in the macular region, there occurs:
A. Spontaneous detachment of neuro-sensory retina
B. Macular oedema
C. Detachment of pigment epithelium
D. Detachment of choroid
2. Macular scar is formed in which of the following diseases:
A. Papillitis
B. Hypertension
C. Neuroretinitis
D. Papilloedema
E. All of the above
3.In cystoid macular edema fluid collects in the macular region at the level of:
A. Outer nuclear layer
B. Outer plexiform layer
C. Inner plexiform layer
D. Between pigment epithelium and neurosensory retin
4.In cystoid macular edema, basic defect is:
A. Breakdown of inner blood retinal barrier
B. Breakdown of outer blood retinal barrier
C. Increased permeability of the choriocapillaris
D. All of the above
5. Retinal degenerations predisposed to retinal detachment include all of the following except:
A. Lattice degeneration
B. Snail track degeneration
C. Focal pigment clumps
D. Pavingstone degeneration
6.All of the following are the causes of exudative retinal detachment except:
6.All of the following are the causes of exudative retinal detachment except:
A. Retinopathy of toxaemia of pregnancy
B. Retinopathy of prematurity
C. Exudative retinopathy of Coats
D. Sympathetic ophthalmia
7. Shifting fluid is pathognomonic of:
A. Solid retinal detachment
B. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
C. Tractional retinal detachment
D. Choroidal detachment
8. All of the following are true about incidence of retinoblastoma except:
A. Is the most common intraocular tumour of childhood
B. Occurs in 1 in 14000–34000 live births
C. No sex predisposition
D. More common in negroes than whites
9. Retinoblastoma arises from:
A. Layer of rods and cones
B. Layer of bipolar cells
C. Ganglion cells layers
D. Any nucleated retinal layer
10. In a child with phthisical eye of unknown etiology following possibility should be kept in mind:
A. Birth trauma
B. Still’s disease
C. Retinoblastoma
D. Untreated congenital glaucoma
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