MCQ Series 85: optometry and Ophthalmogy MCQ test series

MCQ Series 85: optometry and Ophthalmogy MCQ test series

MCQ Series 85: optometry and Ophthalmogy MCQ test series

1. Contraindications of topical steroids are:

A. Dendritic ulcer
B. Disciform keratitis
C. Anterior uveitis
D. Acute angle-closure glaucoma

2. Which drug causes bull’s eye macula:

A. Phenytoin
B. Chloroquine
C. Steroids
D. Ethambutal

3. Most common adverse effect on eye in oral contraceptive usage is:

A. Colour blindness
B. Ring scotoma
C. Optic neuritis
D. Nystagmus

4. Drug not deposited in cornea:

A. Gold
B. Chloroquine
C. Amiodarone
D. Antimony

5. In Waardenburg’s syndrome, following are seen except:

A. Widening of the eyebrow
B. Short palpebral fissure
C. Interstital keratitis
D. Heterochromia iridis

6.Basilar insufficiency shows:

A. Ptosis
B. Blurred vision
C. Diplopia
D. VI nerve weakness

7. In uraemic amaurosis the pupils are:

A. Constricted
B. Dilated and do not react to light
C. Dilated but react to light
D. Norma

8. Diabetes mellitus can cause the following in the eye except:

A. Cataract
B. Retinopathy
C. Anterior ischemic neuropathy
D. Neuroparalytic keratitis

9. The presence of Kayser-Fleischer ring is patho- gnomonic of:

A. Keratoconus
B. Lowe’s syndrome
C. Wilson’s disease
D. Albinism

10. Eye involvement is seen in:

A. Seropositive polyarticular JRA late onset
B. Seronegative polyarticular JRA late onset
C. Seronegative polyarticular JRA early onset
D. Seronegative polyarticular JRA early onset

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